When was the last time you heard from your inner critic? You know, that voice in your head that constantly judges you, puts you down and compares you to others. The one that tells you you’re not good enough or smart enough and says things you would never dream of saying to another person.Now you may … [Read more...]
3 Ingredients to a Happy Marriage
Have you ever wondered why some marriages last decades while others barely go two years? Why do some couples thrive and grow together while others crash and burn?The secret? There are three secrets, actually; three ingredients to a happy and successful marriage. Without all three of these, many … [Read more...]
5 Amazing Outcomes that Can Come from Family Therapy
Many people wish they could belong to a family that resembles the Brady Bunch. But the truth is, most of us belong to families that are not nearly as perfect or copacetic.Families are as complicated as the individuals who make them up. Though each family is entirely unique, all can benefit from … [Read more...]
3 Ways Family Therapy is Often Misunderstood
People new to therapy often don’t know what to expect. They only know what they have heard about it. But there are many misconceptions surrounding family therapy, and I am going to debunk 3 of the biggest ones now.1. Family Therapy Takes a Long Time Before You Get ResultsMany people’s perception of … [Read more...]